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What Students Should Do to Meet Academic Integrity Expectations

The student should:

  • Know and abide by college academic integrity policies and expectations;
  • Not participate, either directly or indirectly, in any type of academic misconduct;
  • Be able to demonstrate that an academic exercise is their own work;
  • Report suspected academic misconduct to the instructor, Academic Chair, or Campus Associate Dean of Student Affairs;
  • Utilize college resources for help with understanding academic integrity, including properly citing sources (see, e.g., the library's ).

Expect a fair review process when accused of suspected academic misconduct, including the right to:

  • Be informed of the facts and circumstances of a suspected academic misconduct incident, and, if possible, be afforded a reasonable opportunity to provide a response before a determination is made that academic misconduct has occurred;
  • Have a suspected academic misconduct incident addressed outside the presence of classmates, if possible, and in a manner that respects the student’s rights under FERPA;
  • Admit or deny responsibility when accused of academic misconduct;
  • Pursue the matter through the Course Grade Grievance Procedure, if the student believes they have been wrongly accused of academic misconduct.

Use the library's page for help with citing sources and avoiding plagiarism.