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Students' use of cell phones, computers and other electronic devices during classes may be regulated according to course policies established by individual instructors. Misuse of such devices may subject students to provisions of the Student Code of Conduct relating to disruptive classroom behavior. Unsanctioned use of such devices may carry serious penalties, including but not limited to course failure or dismissal from the College. Exceptions may apply to students with documented disabilities who may need to use a device as an approved accommodation.

All students are required to obtain and carry a College photo identification card. The ID card is needed to access library and computer center services, and for use with the °ä´Ç±ô±ô±ð²µ±ð’s meal plan. It must be presented in College offices in order to receive services. Schedule and locations of ID card stations can be found on the College website. Replacement cards are available for a cost of $15, effective fall 2023. Once the semester begins, registered students without a 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College ID card will be billed a $30 non-compliance fee and will be denied services until the card is obtained. Photographs for ID cards are taken in the following locations:

Ammerman Campus
Registrar's Office, Ammerman Building
Campus Activities, Babylon Student Center
Public Safety, Kreiling Hall

Eastern Campus
Information Desk, Peconic Building

Michael J. Grant Campus
Registrar's Office - Caumsett Hall
Public Safety, North Cottage

The college community is committed to fostering a campus environment that is conducive to academic inquiry, a productive campus life and thoughtful study and discourse. The student conduct program within the Division of Student Affairs is committed to an educational and developmental process that balances the interests of individual students with the interests of the college community.

For additional information, the Student Code of Conduct can be viewed online.

The Student Code of Conduct prohibits certain behavior related to the use of the College technology resources and requires compliance with College policies. The full policy can be obtained from the Associate Dean of Student Services office on each campus, or in the Information Technology Policies and Guidelines.

The policy obligates users to respect the rights of others, avoid uses that burden system resources or introduce viruses, and protect the secrecy of passwords. Users are also prohibited from engaging in a variety of listed activities. The policy includes provisions on privacy rights, monitoring of use and sanctions for violations. All users are responsible for knowing the college's policy and are deemed to have accepted the restrictions by utilizing the technology resources.

91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College official web-based student portal and student email accounts are an official means of communication to all full- and part-time students enrolled in credit-bearing classes. All such students are required to activate their student portal and email accounts. Official College communications may include, but are not limited to, registration information, financial aid information and other financial statements, student health compliance information and academic progress notifications.

The College expects that students shall receive and read their electronic communications on a frequent and timely basis. Failure to do so shall not absolve the student from knowing of and complying with the contents of all electronic communications, some of which will be time-critical.

The College has established policies for the acceptable use of computing resources. The Information Technology Policies and Guidelines provides additional information.

A Medical Leave may be granted, upon request, to any matriculated student who is unable to attend classes for an extended period of time due to a documented illness, injury, or medical or psychological condition. Under the aforementioned circumstances, a Medical Leave may be granted to a student who is forced to withdraw during a semester as well as to a student who is unable to enroll in a subsequent semester. To request a Medical Leave, students should follow the procedure outlined below.

  1. Request a Medical Leave, in writing during the semester they withdraw, from the Campus Associate Dean of Student Services. The request must indicate the medical reason and the period of the leave. Documentation by a physician or other appropriate health care provider is required.
  2. In the event that a student is incapable of requesting a leave himself/herself, the request may be submitted by a parent, spouse, or other appropriate individual. In such cases, documentation of the student’s incapacity must be provided by the appropriate health care provider.
  3. The Campus Associate Dean of Student Services shall have the final authority to determine whether the request for a Medical Leave is granted. All such determinations shall be made in writing.
  4. In the event that a Medical Leave is granted, the Associate Dean shall: complete the class withdrawal process for the student (i.e., if initiated and not previously completed); and authorize a leave of absence for the student from the Admissions Office (i.e., if the student is enrolled in a restricted curriculum with limited seat availability). This leave maintains the date of matriculation and, if a seat is available, gives the student preference for readmission into the program ahead of any new student.
  5. Being granted a Medical Leave during a semester does not mean that a student’s grades or financial aid will not be negatively impacted, nor does it mean that the student will be entitled to a tuition refund. Accordingly, students should be aware that existing policies will be followed in making these determinations. Whenever possible, students are strongly encouraged to determine the consequences of withdrawing during a semester before requesting a Medical Leave.

91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College strives to promote the health and safety of all members of the college community by providing services in the areas of student health, counseling, and public safety and by enforcing student conduct regulations. In accordance with law, and in order to ensure that the institution and its members may carry out their proper activities without substantial interference or danger of physical harm, the College has implemented its policy and procedures for the medical suspension of students. A student may be subject to medical suspension if it is determined that the student is suffering from a physical, emotional, or psychological condition, and, as a result of this condition, engages, threatens to engage, or may engage in behavior that:

  1. Reasonably poses a danger or threat of causing physical harm to others; and/or
  2. Substantially impedes the lawful activities of other members of the campus community, or the educational processes, activities or functions of the College or its personnel.

For additional information, the Medical Suspension Policycan be viewed online.

On August 27, 2015, 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College officially became tobacco-free. In order to provide a clean and healthy environment for all students, employees and visitors, the College implemented a tobacco-free policy that will:

    • Protect 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ students, faculty, staff and visitors from unwanted and involuntary exposure to tobacco and passive smoke;
    • Prohibit the use of all tobacco and tobacco-derived products on all College grounds;
    • Provide resources for tobacco users to get the help they need to quit for good.

We encourage all individuals who use tobacco and tobacco-derived products to access smoking cessation programs and services at the College Health Services Offices. We invite tobacco users to review the Smoke Free Policy. This policy shall be strictly enforced and violators will be subject to conduct procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and/or fines.

91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for pregnant and parenting students.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities including academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other programs or activities of schools. This prohibition includes discrimination against pregnant and parenting students. Pregnant and parenting students at the College will not be excluded from any class, activity, or program (including career and technical education) on the basis of sex, pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination or pregnancy or recovery therefrom.

What types of accommodations may I request?

Pregnant or parenting students may request reasonable accommodations when necessary because of pregnancy or parenting status, which, depending on the student’s individual needs and circumstances, may include:

    • A larger desk
    • Breaks during class, as needed
    • Permitting temporary access to elevators
    • Rescheduling tests or exams
    • Excusing absences due to pregnancy or related conditions
    • Submitting work after a deadline missed due to pregnancy or childbirth
    • Providing alternatives to make up missed work
    • Allowing excused absences for parenting students (both male and female) who need to take their children to doctors’ appointments or to take care of their sick children

How do I request accommodations?

Accommodation requests should be directed to one of the College Title IX Coordinators. The Title IX Coordinator will discuss the pregnant or parenting individual’s needs, and will ask for documentation that supports the requested accommodations.

Requests from students should be directed to the Associate Deans of Student Services/Deputy Title IX Coordinators:
Ammerman Campus - Phone: (631) 451-4176
Michael J. Grant Campus - Phone: (631) 851-6521
Eastern Campus - Phone: (631) 548-2515

Request from faculty and staff should be directed to:
Civil Rights Compliance Officer
Christina Vargas
Chief Diversity Officer/Title IX Coordinator
Ammerman Campus, NFL Bldg., Suite 230
533 College Road, Selden, New York 11784
(631) 451-4950

91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College prohibits sexual misconduct, harassment and sex discrimination including sexual violence, domestic violence, dating and intimate partner violence, stalking, sexual coercion or other threats of violence or intimidation. These can be verbal, non-verbal, physical, written or electronic (i.e. text or social media). The College is committed to providing options, support and assistance to victims/survivors to ensure they can continue to participate in college-wide and campus programs, activities and employment. The College has prevention, training and educational programs in place to protect all members of the college community. These include information about how to report, on- and off-campus resources, rights and responsibilities. Students have rights, regardless of whether the crime or violation occurs on campus, off campus, or while studying abroad. For additional information on the Student's Bill of Rights and the College Sexual Violence Policy see .

Options for Reporting Sexual Violence

All students have the right to make a report to Public Safety, local law enforcement and/or State Police or choose not to report; to report the incident to the College; to be protected by the College from retaliation for reporting an incident, and to receive assistance from the College. Contact Public Safety at any time by calling 631-451-4242 or dialing 311 from any college phone. In case of emergency, call 911 to contact local law enforcement. To contact the New York State Police 24-hour hotline call 1-844-845-7269. State wide resources are available at every SUNY campus .

See Student's Bill of Rights for additional information.

If you have an alleged claim of sexual harassment or sex discrimination/sexual violence by a student, complaints should be submitted to the Office of the Associate Dean of Student Services/Deputy Title IX Coordinator for the campus at which the alleged harassment occurred:

Ammerman Campus
Dr. Edward Martinez
Ammerman Building, Room 200C
Selden, NY 11784
(631) 451-4790

Michael J. Grant Campus
Dr. Meryl Rogers
Caumsett Hall, Room 106
Brentwood, NY 11717
(631) 851-6521

Eastern Campus
Dr. Mary Reese
Peconic Building, Room 228E
Riverhead, NY 11901
(631) 548-2515

If you have an alleged claim of sexual harassment or sex discrimination/sexual violence by a contractor, visitor or guest, faculty member, administrator or employee at any campus, complaints should be submitted to the Civil Rights Compliance Officers:

Christina Vargas, Title IX Coordinator
Ammerman Campus, NFL Bldg., Suite 230
533 College Road,
Selden, New York 11784-2899
(631) 451-4950

Dr. Dionne Walker-Belgrave, Affirmative Action Officer/Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Ammerman Campus, NFL Bldg., Suite 230
533 College Road,
Selden, New York 11784-2899
(631) 451-4051

If you are a victim of sexual violence, the College has a trained team from Student Affairs, Public Safety, and the Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators. This team provides information to you about your rights, notifies you about resources, and offers reasonable interim measures, such as a change in schedule, a no-contact order or other actions. Anyone who experiences, observes, or hears about an incident should report it to the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator oversees the complaint process, answers questions, and offers assistance and services to anyone experiencing harassment, discrimination or sexual violence. Mental Health Services coordinators and Student Health Services are privileged and confidential resources that will not report crimes to law enforcement or College officials without your permission, except for extreme circumstances, such as a health and/or safety emergency.

Mental Health and Wellness Services coordinators and Student Health Services are privileged and confidential resources that will not report crimes to law enforcement or College officials without your permission, except for extreme circumstances, such as a health and/or safety emergency.

Sexual Violence and the Law

New York State Law contains legal provisions defining the crimes related to sexual violence. The College Annual Security report is updated annually according to federal law and lists important definitions related to these and other crimes. To review them, visit the Public Safety website.

State University of New York (SUNY) policy prohibits 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College admission applications from inquiring into an applicant’s prior criminal history. After acceptance, the College shall inquire if the student previously has been convicted of a felony if such individual seeks participation in clinical or field experiences, internships or study abroad programs. The information required to be disclosed under SUNY policy regarding such felony convictions shall be reviewed by a standing College committee consistent with the legal standards articulated in the New York State Correction Law.

Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions, including, but not limited to:

  • Sitting for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) required for certification and employment as a physical therapist assistant in New York State;
  • Becoming certified in New York as a physical therapist assistant;
  • Sitting for the national certification examination for occupational therapy assistant administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT);
  • Attaining licensure in New York State as an occupational therapy assistant;
  • Taking the licensing examination for licensure as a practical nurse or registered nurse;
  • Obtaining New York State licensure as a practical nurse or registered nurse;
  • Obtaining certification as a pharmacy technician from the national Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB);
  • Obtaining certification from the American Board of Opticianry & National Contact Lens Examiners (ABO-NCLE); and
  • Obtaining certification as an ophthalmic assistant technician or ophthalmic technician from the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO).

Students who have concerns about such matters are advised to contact the department chair of their intended academic program. Applicants and students with criminal convictions who are interested in pursuing a program leading to professional licensure or certification are also encouraged to consult with the appropriate licensing/certification authority. Students with criminal convictions who are considering transfer to or subsequent enrollment in a program at another institution that will lead to professional licensure or certification are also encouraged to consult with the appropriate licensing/certification authority.

91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College does not discriminate and prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, familial status, pregnancy (and pregnancy-related conditions), predisposing genetic characteristics, equal pay compensation-sex, national origin (including shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics), military or veteran status, domestic violence victim status, criminal conviction or disability in its admissions, programs and activities, or employment. This applies to all employees, students, applicants or other members of the College community (including, but not limited to, vendors and visitors). Grievance procedures are available to interested persons by contacting either of the Civil Rights Compliance Officers/Coordinators listed below. Retaliation against a person who files a complaint, serves as a witness, or assists or participates in the investigation of a complaint in any manner is strictly prohibited.

Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination Policy

Discrimination / Harassment / Retaliation Complaint Form

The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the application of non-discrimination requirements at the College and the °ä´Ç±ô±ô±ð²µ±ð’s non-discrimination policies and grievance procedures, receive reports about conduct that may constitute discrimination, and receive complaints of discrimination:

Civil Rights Compliance Officers

Christina Vargas
Chief Diversity Officer/Title IX Coordinator
Ammerman Campus, NFL Bldg., Suite 230
533 College Road, Selden, New York 11784-2899
(631) 451-4950


Dionne Walker-Belgrave
Affirmative Action Officer/Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Ammerman Campus, NFL Bldg., Suite 230
533 College Road, Selden, New York 11784-2899
(631) 451-4051

In an emergency, contact Public Safety to make a report. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (631) 451-4242 or dialing 311 from any College phone.

Inquiries or complaints concerning alleged discrimination in the College education admissions, programs, and activities may also be directed to:

Office for Civil Rights (OCR) – Enforcement Office
U.S. Department of Education
32 Old Slip, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10005-2500
Telephone: (646) 428-3800
Fax: (646) 428-3843
TDD:  (877) 521-2172 Email:  OCR.NewYork@ed.gov
Also refer to: 

NYS Division of Human Rights
Long Island (91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ)
New York State Office Building
250 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite 2B-49
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Telephone: (631) 952-6434
TDD: (718) 741-8300
Email: InfoLongIsland@dhr.ny.gov
Also refer to:

Inquiries or complaints concerning discrimination in employment practices may also be directed to:

NYS Division of Human Rights
Long Island (91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ)
New York State Office Building
250 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite 2B-49
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Telephone: (631) 952-6434
TDD: (718) 741-8300
Email: InfoLongIsland@dhr.ny.gov
Also refer to:

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
New York District Office
33 Whitehall Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Telephone: (800) 669-4000
Fax: (212) 336-3790
TTY: (800) 669-6820
ASL Video Phone: (844) 234-5122
Also refer to:

91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College is committed to fostering a diverse community of outstanding faculty, staff, and students, as well as ensuring equal opportunity and non-discrimination in employment, education, access to services, programs, and activities, including career and technical education opportunities.

A copy of the postsecondary career and technical education courses offered by the College is available and may be obtained on our website at:  or by calling the Office of Admissions at (631) 451-4000 to request a mailing.

If you think that you have been subjected to discrimination under a WIOA Title I-financially assisted program or activity, you may file a complaint within 180 days from the date of the alleged violation with either: 

91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community °ä´Ç±ô±ô±ð²µ±ð’s Civil Rights Compliance Officers listed above or with: 
The Director, Civil Rights Center (CRC), U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Room N-4123, Washington, DC 20210 or electronically as directed on the CRC website at . 
If you file your complaint with 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College, you must wait either until the college issues a written Notice of Final Action, or until 90 days have passed (whichever is sooner), before filing with the Civil Rights Center (see address above). 
If the college does not give you a written Notice of Final Action within 90 days of the day on which you filed your complaint, you may file a complaint with CRC before receiving that Notice. However, you must file your CRC complaint within 30 days of the 90-day deadline (in other words, within 120 days after the day on which you filed your complaint with the college). 
If the college does give you a written Notice of Final Action on your complaint, but you are dissatisfied with the decision or resolution, you may file a complaint with CRC. You must file your CRC complaint within 30 days of the date on which you received the Notice of Final Action. 

In accordance with New York State Public Health Law Section 2165, all students enrolled for at least six (6) semester hours, or the equivalent, at 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College, who were born on or after January 1, 1957, must provide acceptable written proof of immunity against measles, mumps, and rubella in accordance with standards approved by the New York State Department of Health.

Acceptable proof of immunity consists of a Certificate of Immunization signed and stamped by a physician or licensed health care provider which documents measles, mumps, and rubella immunity. Students must submit this certificate or equivalent to the Health Services Offices on their home campus and document at least partial compliance with the immunization requirements before they will be permitted to register for classes. Partial compliance shall be defined as one dose of measles, mumps, and rubella immunization.

In addition, proof of an honorable discharge from the armed services within 10 years prior to the date of application to 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College shall also qualify as a certificate enabling a student to attend classes pending actual receipt of immunization records from the armed services.

Students who are in partial compliance will be notified by the Vice President of Student Affairs that they will be suspended from their classes if they do not fully comply with the immunization requirements within the first 30 days of the semester (45 days for students transferring from another state or county). Students who are suspended and who subsequently fail to comply with the immunization requirements will be administratively withdrawn from their classes and prevented from registering for subsequent semesters.

Immunization records shall be maintained on each campus at the Health Services Office, which shall consider such information as confidential and subject to the College Records Policy. The Vice President of Student Affairs shall be responsible for the completion and timely submission to the Commissioner of Health of the annual survey of immunization levels of students attending 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College.

Students who cannot afford a private physician will be directed to the County Health Department for information regarding free immunizations. Persons may be exempt from any or all of these requirements if a physician certifies in writing that the immunizations may be detrimental to their health. In addition, persons who hold genuine and sincere religious beliefs which are contrary to immunization may be exempt after submitting a statement to that effect to the Associate Dean of Student Services on their home campus.

Students who are registered solely for online courses that do not require any campus presence are exempt from these requirements.

Should a suspected case of measles, mumps, or rubella occur on a campus, the office of the Vice President of Student Affairs will evaluate the case in conjunction with the County Health Department and the Health Services Office and consulting physician. While awaiting serological confirmation, immunization records will be reviewed and susceptible individuals identified. If the suspected case is confirmed, the office of the Vice President of Student Affairs will notify all susceptible students and staff to be immunized. Susceptible students who are unable to be immunized may be required to remain off-campus until the Health Department deems it safe for such individuals to return.

This Mandatory Student Immunization Policy will be included in the College Catalog and the campus Student Handbooks.

Required Acknowledgement of Meningitis Information: In accordance with New York State Public Health Law Section 2167, all students enrolled for at least six (6) semester hours, or the equivalent, at 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College, are required to acknowledge that they have received information about meningococcal disease and vaccination. In addition, such students are required to indicate that they either have received the appropriate vaccination within the past 10 years or have decided not to obtain immunization again the disease. Students who fail to submit the required acknowledgement will be blocked from registration activity and subject to withdrawal.

Please refer to the College Legal Affairs website to review the Student Immunization Requirements Policy.

91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community °ä´Ç±ô±ô±ð²µ±ð’s policies and procedures for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic have been and will continue to be governed by the principle that the safety of our students and employees is paramount, while continuing the °ä´Ç±ô±ô±ð²µ±ð’s mission of education.

Please refer to your course syllabi for specific instructions regarding illness.

Our knowledge and understanding of the COVID-19 virus continues to evolve; as more information becomes available, the °ä´Ç±ô±ô±ð²µ±ð’s policies and guidelines may be updated or changed.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An eligible student under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution at any age.) These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the day 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College receives a request for access. A student should submit to the Chief Campus Student Affairs Officer on their home campus (the Associate Dean of Student Services) a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. A meeting will be scheduled within a reasonable period of time, at which time the records may be reviewed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask the College to amend a record should first bring this request to the Chief Campus Student Affairs Officer on their home campus (the Associate Dean of Student Services), who will discuss the matter with the student and attempt to arrive at a mutually acceptable resolution. If an agreement cannot be reached, the student will be notified of the decision and their right to a hearing. The student may then request a hearing to challenge the contents of the record. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures is outlined in the College Student Records Policy and will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The following is a partial list of disclosures which are permitted without a student’s prior written consent:  
    • to College officials with legitimate educational interests. A College official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research or support staff position; a person retained as a contractor, consultant, volunteer, or other party to whom the College has outsourced services or functions authorized by, or under contract to the College, to perform a special task, such as an attorney or auditor; a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving in an official capacity, such as membership on a disciplinary or grievance committee.
      A College official has a legitimate educational interest if the College official needs to review the education record in order to fulfil their professional responsibilities for the College. 
    • Upon request, the College also discloses education records without consent to officials of another institution in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
    • To appropriate parties (such as law enforcement, SCCC Public Safety officers, etc.) in connection with a health and safety emergency.
    • To certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of the Comptroller and U.S. Attorney General, and state and county educational authorities in connection with certain audits.
    • To appropriate officials in connection with a student’s request for or receipt of financial aid.
    • To organizations conducting studies on behalf of the College, or to accrediting organizations; 
    • To comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Student Privacy Policy Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202. 

°ä´Ç±ô±ô±ð²µ±ð’s Student Records Policy explains in detail the procedures used by the College for FERPA compliance. The Student Records Policy is posted on the °ä´Ç±ô±ô±ð²µ±ð’s website. Copies of the °ä´Ç±ô±ô±ð²µ±ð’s Student Records Policy may also be found in the following offices: Campus Registrar and Associate Dean of Student Services on the Ammerman, Eastern and Michael J. Grant campuses, as well as the offices of the College Registrar, Vice President for Student Affairs, and the Office of Legal Affairs in the Norman F. Lechtrecker Building on the Ammerman Campus. Questions concerning FERPA may be referred to the Associate Dean of Student Services on each campus or the College Registrar or the Vice President for Student Affairs in the Norman F. Lechtrecker Building on the Ammerman Campus.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College, with certain exceptions, require your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your education records. However, the College may disclose appropriately designated "Directory Information" without written consent if considered appropriate by College officials, unless you have advised the College to the contrary in accordance with College procedures.

The College hereby designates the following items of student information as public or "Directory Information". 

  • Name 
  • Address (permanent, local and email)
  • Telephone number (permanent and local) 
  • Photograph 
  • Dates and status of enrollment 
  • Major field of study 
  • Honors, awards or special recognition 
  • Weight and height, if a member of an athletic team 
  • Prior schools attended and degrees awarded 
  • Participation in officially recognized sports and activities

This does not mean, however, that the College will indiscriminately release such information about students. Requests for Directory Information on all 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College students or categories of students will generally not be honored. The College specifically excludes lists or compilations of data on all students or categories of students from its designation of Directory Information under FERPA, even if such list or compilation of data consists only of information which, if related to an individual student, would otherwise constitute Directory Information. Release will generally be restricted to information on individual students only, and each request will be considered on an individual basis by the Vice President of Student Affairs, the College Registrar, the Campus Associate Dean of Student Services, or the Office of Legal Affairs.

Opting Out of Directory Information: Currently enrolled students may request that the College not release their Directory Information under any circumstances by completing the "Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information" form. This form must be submitted to the campus Registrar's Office, and will be in effect until the student revokes the request in writing. The College assumes that failure on the part of any student to specifically request the withholding of "Directory Information" by filling out the form indicates individual approval for disclosure.

91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College hereby informs students that information on campus crime statistics, safety awareness, crime prevention, alcohol and drug laws and substance abuse education, and policies and programs concerning sexual assault and sexual harassment are available on the College website at www.sunysuffolk.edu/safety. Crime statistics for 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ County Community College, as well as other colleges throughout the United States, are also available online through the . For additional information, contact the College Director of Public Safety at 631-451-4212.